Empowering patients and their families with knowledge and support
CaSR Patient Support is an ACNC registered health promotion charity that is dedicated to promoting awareness, providing knowledge and support, and improving health outcomes for patients of chronic endocrine disorders involving calcium regulation. Through its efforts to raise awareness, provide knowledge and support, and improve health outcomes, CaSR Patient Support aims to help patients and their families feel more informed, empowered, and supported in managing their condition.
Providing Knowledge and Support
This can include providing educational resources and information about the condition, as well as connecting patients with support groups and other resources. By providing patients with the knowledge and support they need, CaSR Patient Support aims to help patients feel more empowered in managing their condition.

Improving Health Outcomes
CaSR Patient Support is dedicated to improving health outcomes for patients with chronic endocrine disorders involving calcium regulation. This can include working with healthcare providers to improve diagnosis and treatment, as well as advocating for better research and funding for these conditions. By improving health outcomes, CaSR Patient Support aims to improve patients' quality of life and help them manage their condition more effectively

A unified front, lobbying for better outcomes
We provde the best latest technology of equipment and our staff are available in 24/7 at clients call.

Tax deductible donations
As a registered health promotion charity, donations to CaSR Patient Support are tax-deductible, which means you can support the organization and claim a tax deduction at the same time.
Our Leadership Board
Dr Peter A. Love (Treasurer)
MBBS, MPH&TM, AFFTM(ACTM) FACRRMNicholas Love CPA (Chairman, Public Officer)
CPA BCom MAccProf Roderick Clifton-Bligh (Head of Medical Advisory Board)
BSC(med) MBBS(hons) FRACP PhD FFSc (RCPA)Margaret Love RN (Secretary)
BA(Nursing), Cert(Midwifery),MA(Adult Ed.)
Join the Medical Advisory Board
We are seeking motivated medical professionals from a range of specialties, including endocrinology, neurology, nephrology, and rheumatology. Applicants should have a deep understanding of the medical and scientific aspects of hypoparathyroidism, as well as experience in clinical practice.
We value all other skill sets to help our cause
Are you a digital marketing pro? Are you a website designer? Admin Guru? technology geek? Grants and funding expert? Have a flair for lobbying and advocacy? Or just really passionate in helping a NFP thrive and achieve positive outcomes? Then get in touch today!
Being part of something great!
Improving quality of life outcomes is the most rewarding part of doing our job well.
Every little bit helps!
With enough crumbs, you can build a loaf of bread!