Patient Support and Advocacy
Promoting new treatment options for Ca Sensing receptor disorders
For the first time we have the opportunity to treat the underlying cause of these chronic endrocrine diseases, such as Hypoparathyroidism, rather than just the symptoms.
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Researchers, medical specialists, patients, support persons
We are an association of Medical doctors, researchers, patients and other interested parties
Spruiking our cause
Coordinated lobbying of Government and Private Drug companies worldwide

Advocating and funding for Testing
Advocating for treatment efficacy and safety testing

Support and resources
A collaboration of the best minds in this field to provide diagnosed sufferers of CaSR disorders with the latest treatment information and general wellbeing tips from members

Funding and volunteering
Being primarily a volunteer organisation, we are seeking input of time , money and resources from all interested parties to aid in this worthwhile cause.
Support us throughout this journey

Operational Funding
Let’s make CaSR Patient Support a meaningful and impactful force of change for patients of Hypoparathyroidism and other related diseases! We need your
Donate Now
The Governance Committee
Meet our Team
Driving this endeavour, our specialist governance team works hard to build awareness and momentum for the approval of more effective treatment programmes for CaSR related disorders in Australia
BECOME A VOLUNTEERDr Peter A. Love (Treasurer)
MBBS, MPH&TM, AFFTM(ACTM) FACRRMNicholas Love CPA (Chairman, Public Officer)
CPA BCom MAccProf Roderick Clifton-Bligh (Head of Medical Advisory Board)
BSC(med) MBBS(hons) FRACP PhD FFSc (RCPA)Margaret Love RN (Secretary)
BA(Nursing), Cert(Midwifery),MA(Adult Ed.)
Read all about the latest progress in our blog.